Where It All Began

A memento of a trip with mom where we found the birthplace of Winnie the Pooh in White River, Ontario.

I’m not sure when my love of coffee began. In high school I felt “cool” carrying in my giant thermos of coffee. Back then I could drink it black.

When I moved to Colorado we “went for coffee” every Friday night at Village Inn across from the mall most of us worked at. Crap coffee, ok food but amazing company and conversation. The crap coffee and the drinking it until 2 in the morning started me adding cream and sugar.

After Ashlynn was born believe it or not I took a break from coffee and opted for Dr. Pepper instead. I tried all the sweet coffees from different places when we’d go out. Not a highlight in my love of coffee. Yeah.

It’s really after we bought our house 10 plus years ago that I started to find my niche in my coffee drinking. Coffee now is a much needed caffeine boost. As well as happiness in a cup. At home brews… not in anything fancy… still just my Mr. Coffee pot. I add a small splash of creamer. Right now it’s Italian Creme… I miss the vanilla hazelnut. And I do mean small splash… I like to taste my coffee not the cream. Sometimes if not going anywhere it’s an Irish coffee instead (then it’s heavy on the cream.)

If I’m out at a cafe most of the time I order a vanilla latte. It’s my taste test of a good coffee place. If they do it well then I see what else they have to offer my next trip.

Where did your love of coffee begin?

Comfy Coffee Morning

Some of my favorite mornings are when I’m able to curl up with a blanket and a warm cup of coffee.

This morning I floated in and out of sleep in my comfy state. It was nice relaxing before heading out to work this afternoon.

I’m starting to think that my daily coffee posts are turning into recaps. Hmm.

For the Caffeine

Today’s coffee was all about the caffeine. The amazing addictive drug that helps stimulate the mind and body.

Obviously after skipping a nights sleep the night before I slept quick and hard last night. However, getting up this morning was difficult. My brain fuzzy and my body sore and still feeling like I could sleep another 12 hours more.

I brought 2 travel cups with me on the way to the doctor. The first was gone before we got there. The other almost gone by the time we were done at the doctor. I had 2 more cups of coffee at our late breakfast/brunch. Then stopped and got coffee on my way for my closing shift of work.

So somedays it’s purely about the caffeine. Not about the eclectic cup, or the picture or the post. Just about the drug that helps us get through the day.

And now… bed.

Sleep. Who needs sleep when you have COFFEE.

That’s the mantra today. I decided not to really sleep since the alarm goes off at 5:30 and I got into bed at just past 3.

But that means 2 coffee posts in less than 5 hours. Ooo, how many coffees can I drink in day… ok, that’s probably a bad idea… or is it?

This was the remnants of a beautiful sunrise this morning after dropping the girlie at school.

Today’s Coffee… Thankful

Today I’m reminded how thankful I am for friends and family.

I’m thankful for my friend Caleb who sent me a picture of his morning coffee while on vacation just to give me a smile.

This was Caleb’s morning coffee… somewhere in Mesa Verde National Park.

I’m thankful for my friend Julie who brought me homemade biscotti the other morning. I happily had one with my second travel cup this morning at work.

I’m thankful for one of my bestest friends Chris who is my coffee buddy. Today he brought me another coffee since I was so tired. You are amazin

I’m thankful for my husband. It may feel as if we keep getting hit with punches at the moment but I am so thankful and grateful to be going through this with him.

I’m thankful for my mom who has listened to me vent for weeks. She constantly holds me up, prays, supports and listens. I love you!

What are you thankful for?


This was supposed to get posted around 8ish last night. But the girly asked for help with some homework things. A pot of coffee later it is now almost 2 am and Scott and I are just finishing up.

I’m amused by my coffee cup. We are helping gather things for US History… so both Scott and I are drinking out of Virginia cups gifted by our neighbors. Thank you Tom and Marla.

Coffee with Dinner

Good Idea? Yep. Especially when we have breakfast for dinner.

Breakfast burritos, pastries and fruit.

Even better idea when the coffee has Bailey’s in it.

Is this going to be a bad idea caffeine wise… maybe.

Totally worth it though.

A Day in the Life

Sometimes it’s about the best laid plans of a day off. I had those today. We all have them. Sometimes they work other times… well… yeah.

Today I knew I needed (ha, wanted) to…

  • Update the Facebook about the kid… I’ve been meaning to since Friday but trying to formulate words and time.
  • Clean… relative term… the house is not happy in many regards with the stress we’ve been under
  • Research more about EDS
  • Go to Sam’s Club… because the kid was out of Fruit Loops… I’m sad to say a staple in our house
  • Go to Target for another cloth bin and a new litter box
  • Log onto Progressive to start a claim for my windshield
  • Toss out old litter box. Completely clean around the litter box area… vacuum, edge vacuum and set up new box… cat has been semi neglected this past week.
  • Keep going with laundry
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Prep salad for the week

With that being said… I started picking up from yesterday. Put in contacts got grossed out by the toilet. So cleaned the downstairs toilet. Restarted the washer… it sat all night with wet clothes. I sat and updated Facebook and reached out to a friend who has EDS. I took a shower. All these things are downstairs… you know what’s not downstairs?
So I decided I’d head out and go find coffee and then to Sam’s Club. Walked outside and was surprised by a friend who brought us homemade biscotti and some company.

Thank you Julie.

I headed to one of my favorite coffee places… Enchanted Grounds. Insanely yummy Coda coffee. The barista made me laugh with his latte art… it looked like a bong. I didn’t take a picture because, well… it was now almost 1 and I really wanted some caffeine.

I did manage Sam’s Club and Target. Came home and had a tasty new beer as I figured out my claim for the windshield.

I didn’t realize it was such a high ABV when I bought it yesterday. It’s tasty all… So needless to say I didn’t accomplish everything on my list. Scott and I did make menu for the week and we did head to the grocery store.

Where we found some more coffee.
We came home and I put away groceries and I cleaned the kitchen and prepped the salad for the week. Cleaned the kitchen again and then made dinner. Scott did laundry… I love this man. He does laundry most weeks. We ate and we had another beer…

I apparently wasn’t paying much attention to ABV when I bought beer yesterday. LOL

So, this is a day in the life of me… typically way more coffee and way less beer… but alas is life. I didn’t clean much today… but I do feel semi accomplished after a week of just keeping myself above water.

Brain fuzzy? …Coffee

My brain is a little fuzzy from a fun night out with the husband. Seeing Carbon Leaf and getting introduced to another great musician Adam Ezra makes my soul happy. I was completely entranced by Adam’s lyrics and voice. He has a voice that reminds me of another favourite artist… Roger Clyne.

Adam Ezra
Carbon Leaf

So today’s coffee is getting rid of some of the fuzzy of last night’s fun… yes, because Rini does drink other things besides coffee.

3rd and 4th of the night…

First Cup: Mildly Warm

It’s cold outside and a mildly warm cup, but look at the kiddos plants.

Today’s first cup sponsored by 20 other things you do in the morning. I pour, I think ok, I’ll go grab my phone and do my post. While grabbing my phone I asked the husband if he wanted coffee or for me to start the car… because well, it’s freaking cold outside. After that conversation I forget what I had been doing and get the kid lunch and snack ready. Realize I hadn’t seen her yet… go wake her up again because she has 15 mintues before heading out the door. Figure out what she needs help with… do those things. She’s about ready and asks if her dad is ready… very annoying in our house. We wait on her and she then asks… ‘are you ready?’ We all realize the car needs to get scraped off… because it’s cold… go outside to help scrape but ther husband has it covered. Say goodbye to the kid as she’s hobbling out on her crutches. Go back inside put away her lunch… it’s too hard to carry with crutches and doesn’t fit in her backpack. Look at my coffee and go… oh yeah… Coffeeeeeee

Have a good my friends… I hope your first cup isn’t as mildly warm as mine.

First Snow

Can you smell it? Do you feel it? The crisp air, the swirls of white starting to fall. The anticipation of the first flakes. Today’s coffee sponsored by my friend…❄?

First cup… and yes I choose my cup specifically. My girlie… this is our time of year. Her and I call eachother or text with first snow or when it snows. Today, she’s unenthusiastic when I woke her up… which tells you where her head space is.

For those that know me I have had a hate, love relationship with snow. My first snow that I remember after moving back to Minnesota was the Halloween snow storm. The subsequent years after… I hated snow… I hated the cold.

We moved here to Colorado, where I feel the most me. Except snow… or at at least I thought for the first decade or so.

But I have found that Snow and I are friends. It took us years to realize it. Mostly me begrudgingly mad at it but it was been persistent in it’s pursuit to have another friend. I may not partake in skiing or sledding or enjoy driving in it for miles to work. But it’s the beauty and stillness it brings that makes my heart happy.

Welcome back my friend SNOW