Where It All Began

A memento of a trip with mom where we found the birthplace of Winnie the Pooh in White River, Ontario.

I’m not sure when my love of coffee began. In high school I felt “cool” carrying in my giant thermos of coffee. Back then I could drink it black.

When I moved to Colorado we “went for coffee” every Friday night at Village Inn across from the mall most of us worked at. Crap coffee, ok food but amazing company and conversation. The crap coffee and the drinking it until 2 in the morning started me adding cream and sugar.

After Ashlynn was born believe it or not I took a break from coffee and opted for Dr. Pepper instead. I tried all the sweet coffees from different places when we’d go out. Not a highlight in my love of coffee. Yeah.

It’s really after we bought our house 10 plus years ago that I started to find my niche in my coffee drinking. Coffee now is a much needed caffeine boost. As well as happiness in a cup. At home brews… not in anything fancy… still just my Mr. Coffee pot. I add a small splash of creamer. Right now it’s Italian Creme… I miss the vanilla hazelnut. And I do mean small splash… I like to taste my coffee not the cream. Sometimes if not going anywhere it’s an Irish coffee instead (then it’s heavy on the cream.)

If I’m out at a cafe most of the time I order a vanilla latte. It’s my taste test of a good coffee place. If they do it well then I see what else they have to offer my next trip.

Where did your love of coffee begin?

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