
Waiting and the anticipation of the first cup. The smell of the brew… my senses are waking up.

It’s also a good lesson in life. Patience. Last night I didn’t have patience. I was frustrated and annoyed with technology and didn’t have the patience to figure out what was going wrong with my site. I still don’t… but I have a way around it, I think, for the time being.

This was me this morning… rewriting the post from last night that Scott sent to my email since wordpress was being wonky. Notice my toes. The kiddo made my toes happy.

So remember my coffee lovers… it’s okay to wait. Be patient.

Happy first cups

Snow Day

What follows is the post that was supposed to go out last night… but wordpress was being weird and it didn’t post.

Today my coffee lovers was full of coffee, music, laughter, cleaning, baking and snow. Lots and lots of snow. 16ish inches. Yeah, lots of snow.

First on the agenda was making pancakes. Crazy tasty pancakes. Ashlynn also had a brilliant idea of crunching up a strawberry poptart into the pancake batter. We did that as our last pancake. It wasn’t pretty but it was tasty. We all had a piece of it.

I look over as I’m cleaning the kitchen for what seemed like the millionth time and this is was happening: Ashlynn had been getting the cat comfy on the chair who was watching the snow. Ashlynn not wanting to disturb the cat because that’s a philosophy in our house (not really, more a saying) wanted to watch the snow but be near the cat herself. So I watched her slide herself under the chair and try to get comfy. I’ve raised a silly, goofy child.

All the snow. These were taken this morning before it was done snowing.

Ashlynn helped make the apple pie. This year I scaled down the pie-making. Apple and Pumpkin. What I didn’t take a picture of was the kitchen after I splattered pumpkin all over the kitchen after dropping the bowl into the pie crust as I was filling it. Comical, yes… to the husband at least. I feel like my baking abilities have been slightly off recently. Just slightly browned crust. Oh well.

Relaxing after cleaning the downstairs bathroom, living-room, kitchen and baking and a shower. Ashlynn also did some homework and cleaned her room too and Scott worked from home today and then spent almost 2 hours shoveling all the snow.

Next up… watching Santa Clause because we’re only a couple days away from the start of Christmas season and it looks like it outside and the kiddo is going to give me a pedicure.

All in all a very fun and productive snow day.

Hope all your coffees were warmth and happiness in a cup. Happy last cup of coffee my coffee lovers.

Beauty All Around

Okay, okay, okay… it’s dark outside. And it’s early. But today enjoy the beauty that is around you. The sunrise, the sunset. A smile from a stranger or a small kid. Do a small act if kindness. Be that smile in someone’s day.
I am holding a coffee mug. Apparently it’s still too dark to see
My coffee this morning… truck day.
Happy first cups…go find beauty or create it.


Sometimes our house and our emotions need a refresh. Today was our refresh after an emotional night last night. Woke up and cuddled with a still sleeping girlkid… woke her up with the Shadow cat…a easier way to wake the teen is with snuggles of a purring happy cat.
Had come upstairs as she was waking and as she walked upstairs I offered to make her tea and offered snuggles.
Snuggles, coffee and tea drinking while we all discussed easy and no leftovers menu leading up to Thursday. Plus the added NHL highlights and funnies from the past week in the background.
Now, my second big cup accompanied with Pentatonix music as I write this before hopping in the shower before work. YouTube choose Christmas music and it sounds like the weather is going to feel like it starting tomorrow. I’m so ready for this whole season.
Also… since I took pictures yesterday morning and then got distracted and didn’t write my blog. Bonus pictures today… which is still fitting today. A rare Lakeshore cup sighting.
I hope your first cups hit refresh to your spirit.


There’s at least 2 inches of snow and ice underneath. My Christmas cups aren’t unpacked yet but these cups are in the cabinet year round.
They were my grandma’s mugs and today they match what it looks like outside. It gives me memories of her and of my Minnesota family.
Be safe as you head out to work today my coffee lovers. Happy First Cup.


My first cup is accompanied by my Thanksgiving grocery list which I finished writing this morning. Ooo, thinking of which I need to add coffee onto the list. I’m down to 2 extra bags. We drink lots of coffee.
I’m doing my grocery shopping today… my day off. I can get most items now with the exception of some veggies and fruit and of course normal groceries which we’ll get next week.
I also have minor lists for other stores plus my list/directions of how to watch hockey tonight since the husband won’t be home for game start.
Please stay safe out on the icy roads and as always… Happy First Cups.


Snuggles, fire and coffee. Sounds like a winning combination on a day off. This morning I got all three before needing to hop in the shower before work. Sometimes it’s all about perspective. I could be grumpy about work… I was earlier… but a change of perspective makes me realize I can carve out happiness just for a few mintues.
Happy first cups


Coffee is my fuel. It wakes up my senses, my mind, my heart and my body. It starts my day with a reminder of things good.
What gets you up going on the right foot?
Fuel your day and happy first cups!

Take on the World

We all had trouble getting up this morning. So for me that meant no first cup in a mug… instead travel mugs which on truck days I usually have with me anyway.
Ashlynn helped me with the picture this morning as we all tried to get out the door at 6:30.
Her response to the picture. “You look cute and tired in a good way, like you’re ready to take on the world.”
So today my coffee lovers and friends… have your first cups and take on the world, because I am.