A New Year…

A new decade. I think the word decade is throwing me off. A huge chunk of time.

Scott made a fun timeline for our party last night…

(Don’t judge my half picked up kitchen) back to the timeline… I had a hard time figuring out momentous things in the last decade. I’m sure there were some. I don’t think it’s a lack of things happening, more that I cherish the moments in present. From new jobs for both Scott and I, a kiddo who has grown from kindergarten continuation in leaps and bounds and now is spreading her wings and will be heading out on her own in this decade. From house owner woes to fun entertaining parties, from injuries and sicknesses to being grateful that we are the lucky ones. Concerts etc. So, looking at a decade makes ne realize how insanely grateful I am to be here, cherishing the big and small moments with friends and family.

So this year… I will aspire to find more of the moments that make me happy or make me grow.

So this was my last line in today’s post… however the do more of what makes you happy included our next door neighbor joining us for more coffee and cake and then making a huge breakfast… ahem… lunch for the sleepy teens and then skating at The Parker Trail.

Cheers my coffee lovers and may this year bring you more of things that make you happy.

Happy Last Cups

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