How much do you accomplish between your first and 2nd cups? Sometimes I accomplish nothing from cups 1-3 or more and sometimes I do things before first cup and then do more before the second.
So today, I cleared off my bedding and started the first load. Poured my first cup and wrote back to a friend while trying to find the last of the base pieces to the Hogwarts Astronomy tower. Took a shower did my hair… okay, as much as my hair ever “gets done “. Took out trash and wrote a thank you to our sanitation people, grabbed chicken out of freezer for tonight’s dinner and pork out for tomorrow’s. Emptied dishwasher, filled dishwasher, cleaned the counters. Started 2nd load of bedding and checked on the teen to start her waking up for class. Then poured my second cup.
So second cups sometimes mean a break in the to-dos.
2nd cup in the sun… the wind is cold though. A messy half bun with a fun hair accessory.
I stitched Stitch! Stitch really did have a glitch. He’s had a hole since just shortly after Ashlynn recieved him in December.
I’ve been putting off stitching him back up. Stitch is now a happy experiment 626 and so is the teen as she’s cuddling with him and playing on the xbox. I also cleaned up and organized my sewing box… ahem… bin.
I’m now trying to gain motivation to knock something else off my to do list or at least start on box 2 of my 3D puzzle. Yesterday we finished Hogwarts- the great hall. Next up is Astronomy Tower.
I’m going to start a new pot and hop in the shower. Then we’ll see what the rest of the day brings.
Happy Afternoon Brews
An update… I didn’t shower nor brew coffee. I wandered aimlessly trying to figure out my next thing. I played with the charging BB8 Sphero and then organized my craft and scrapbooking bins that the teen has been sifting through in the past few months and leaving it a mess.
And now the husband asked if I wanted to “commute” with him. Which means brewing tea. So we opted for Mountain Chai from Celestial Seasonings. The smell almost rivals my coffee… almost. I put some almond milk in it too. So good. A great snack to go with the tea is Graham crackers with Bailey’s cream cheese frosting… yes, it’s good even without the cake.
First sip moments. The way the first drops hit your tongue and it’s better than you remember. How everything you ever wanted in life is wrapped up into that moment. It smells and tastes… warm, earthy, with a hint of vanilla. How you wish that moment could last forever.
That’s all I have for now. Today my friends enjoy these moments.
Today’s post is a little different. Today is a day to remember, to be grateful and thankful.
22 year’s ago life changed for everyone in my small hometown of St. Peter, Minnesota. My life changed.
I remember being at Bethany, my church on the north side of town, that Sunday afternoon for a quiz practice and then dinner with the whole church. I left early since I was scheduled for work at Godfather’s Pizza downtown in the early evening. Being a small town many business were in old buildings. Godfather’s was in the old bank building with big windows on both sides… the basement I always thought was scary… was one of the banquet rooms complete with the old safe.
I remember it being warm, weird for March. I was at work with a few of my friends/coworkers from school. I don’t remember sirens… and maybe there wasn’t any… since that was one of the first things that was hit. I do remember the giant black wall on the top of the hill. I think we all just stared at it for a second or two not comprehending what we were seeing and then frozen in fear as the realization of what we were looking at sunk in. I remember someone getting people inside that were on the sidewalk and trying to hold the door shut.
I remember Jess, Becky and I running down the stairs as the glass of the windows started to shatter… after that I don’t remember much. I remember that Rob wasn’t with us and worried as to where he was. Most of it my mind has blocked. I don’t remember the sound. I remember the quiet from afterwards.
I remember staying put upstairs for a while not sure what to do. The power was out and it was dark as I tried to walk home. Seeing and walking over pieces of buildings and trees. Landmarkers gone. At some point I ran into Stanci and Derek somewhere around Broadway and Washington maybe. They had both been at the church and they told me my mom was okay. I continued to walk home. I got home, my mom wasn’t there but her van was, I turned on the light in the van. I think my thought process had been that if she sees it she’d know. She’d know I was safe. That’s my last true memory of that night.
The days and weeks afterward were a blur. We were one of the luckier ones… our house was okayish. We lost our shed out back which stored my grandparents things and our lawnmower. The roof of the house had lifted up and went back down cockeyed. I had friends whose houses were destroyed so I felt lucky. You could look at 2 houses side by side, one was destroyed and the other looked unscathed. It was surreal. From churches, the community center, Gustavus College campus, to trees… the tornado(s) left a mark.
But what happened after the tornado was a community and its neighbors standing together and rebuilding. I moved 18 months after the tornado and haven’t been back as much as I would like. When I go back I am inspired by how much St. Peter has rebuilt and become stronger. Sound familiar? Yes, I know we are dealing with this virus on a global scale but my hope is that through this and after this we build communities and countries that are stronger and united together.
Here’s a couple links if you want to see pictures and videos and read more about the tornado.
It’s bright… quite a contrast to yesterday’s gloom. The sun is shining on the freshly fallen stark white snow. It’s beautiful and bright and gives my little slice of the world a new canvas where it seems anything can be written.
As I sit here with cup 3… yes, I know… I’ve been up for about 2 hours now. I realize how lucky I am. I could be sad or upset or depressed about not working. Instead, I realize it’s Saturday and I’m not at work. For the past well, all my working life, I’ve had to schedule and request my Saturdays off. So really, if there was a Saturday off I had something I was doing, a party, a concert, a wedding, a get away or just time off to see family without it being a school day. So today I’m relishing the fact that I’m home… no plans in sight, kindof what I imagined adulthood was. Granted, there’s always the looming cleaning and laundry that is typical on any day off no matter where it falls in the week but this morning I’m choosing to be grateful and thankful and… ahem, lazy for a moment. Plus, I was already productive this morning.
Enjoy the bright side today my coffee lovers and as always…
It’s gloomy and overcast in my neck of the woods today and when sleep evaded both the husband and I, I’m having a harder time focusing… not thoughts, my eyes. It’s like there’s a film over them. Not the greatest thing when I want to keep working on my 3D Hogwarts puzzle this morning. I’m hoping with enough coffee and more light my vision will focus.
Music, a candle… a B&BW fall scent… I hadn’t gotten around to buying spring scents, coffee and a puzzle.
Today’s agenda: do yoga, make lists… a grocery list for both mom and us, a to do of things I want to accomplish in the next few weeks… there’s a lot, do yoga , continue the shuffle of laundry started yesterday so that tomorrow I can clean bedding, vacuum the livingroom and hallway so that I can fold said laundry, do yoga, come up with a menu for the next couple days that way we don’t get to 6pm and don’t have a plan for dinner, and do yoga. Yoga. Yoga which is for my body and my mind and reminds me to breathe.
So today my coffee lovers, what are you going to do for you today? I know several of you are working from home these days, some of you are on the front lines, some of you are providing essential other jobs and some of you are like me and are in a holding pattern waiting until you can go back. I challenge each of you to find something that is just for you… write for a 10 mintues, do a workout, read some of a book… what is going to enrich your spirit and let some troubles roll by.
It’s nice to be back and writing again. I’m not going to go into why I stopped, not today at least. I’m also going to try and steer clear of the Q and C words as much as I can.
I had a late start to my day due to being crazy cold and couldn’t get myself out of bed. My first and 2nd cups were with the teen who also got up late. After waking up a little I started to pick up and organize my thoughts into what I want to accomplish the next few weeks. I should probably make a list… I’ll get there.
After I had done some light cleaning the teen was awake enough that she wanted to do yoga with me. In the 3 years that I’ve been on again off again with yoga I have tried to have her practice with me. Today was the first time. It helps that she is taking a conditioning class at school that incorporates yoga into the curriculum. Now that she is learning at home she is trying to keep the momentum going… even if it’s spring break this week for her.
She wouldn’t let me post our after yoga picture so here’s a picture of us hiking yesterday.
So now it’s early afternoon and I’m on cup 3. And I had a happy… I put my engagement ring back on. I had taken it off since we were wearing gloves at work and my ring was breaking through the gloves.
So, as I texted a coworker of my happy and wished she could find a happy today too that’s my hope for you. Find a happy, I know the world definitely feels bleaker but find a happy today and each day. I’d love to know what your happy is today so post below.