It’s bright… quite a contrast to yesterday’s gloom. The sun is shining on the freshly fallen stark white snow. It’s beautiful and bright and gives my little slice of the world a new canvas where it seems anything can be written.
As I sit here with cup 3… yes, I know… I’ve been up for about 2 hours now. I realize how lucky I am. I could be sad or upset or depressed about not working. Instead, I realize it’s Saturday and I’m not at work. For the past well, all my working life, I’ve had to schedule and request my Saturdays off. So really, if there was a Saturday off I had something I was doing, a party, a concert, a wedding, a get away or just time off to see family without it being a school day. So today I’m relishing the fact that I’m home… no plans in sight, kindof what I imagined adulthood was. Granted, there’s always the looming cleaning and laundry that is typical on any day off no matter where it falls in the week but this morning I’m choosing to be grateful and thankful and… ahem, lazy for a moment. Plus, I was already productive this morning.
Enjoy the bright side today my coffee lovers and as always…
Happy First Cups.