3rd Cup Boost

Today’s 3rd cup… accompanies bagel quiche.

Unlike my husband who wakes up and almost immediately needs food it takes me a couple hours to want food, if at all. Yes, I know… breakfast is important.

So this morning I sat and enjoyed my first cup in my bleary state and watched my kid curl up with the cat on the floor and eventually fall back asleep. Her first period class typically has no lectures and just small assignments done easily in the week.

Anyway, back to 3rd (now on 4th) cup. I decided to make hollowed out bagel quiche. Really easy and you can throw in whatever you want. I put in what we had readily available…mini sweet peppers, red onion, ham and cheese. I totally wish I had spinach, ooh, or broccoli… oh well. It was super tasty and helped wake the kid up for her 2nd class… AP Lang.

Now I’m going to finish 4th cup… because today is furniture delivery day. YAY! I’m going to paint trim today so I hope to bring in the boxes for the bed either tonight or tomorrow.

Happy first… ahem, 4th cups

A Perfect Cup

… what does that mean? 

Sometimes a perfect cup is the right brew… the smell wafts around you drawing you in. Sometimes it’s that first sip… exploding all the senses. Sometimes it’s the strength… making you feel the effects to tackle the day. Sometimes it’s warmth… wrapping you in a blanket. Sometimes it’s comfort… giving a sense of peace and serenity. Sometimes that cup is filled with hope… or sorrow and a sense of relief.

A perfect cup can be more literal… right roast, right brew, right temp, right amount of cream or sugar or spice, a dash of this or that.

Sometimes that perfect cup is dependent on who you’re with… the bond of togetherness flows into the coffee. Or sometimes that cup is perfect being in solitude…. enjoying time for you. Sometimes it’s found in a little café where it’s made a work of art… and you can sit, smell, read or write and spend hours if you’d like… (gosh I miss those days).

There’s many possibilities for that perfect cup and if you’re lucky to have several of those possibilities in a cup…it’s heaven on earth.

Here is one of my favorite songs about coffee… Check out The Divers’ Espresso My Love ♥ https://youtu.be/DiQ8tRSQ7TY

Happy National Coffee Day…

Check out a a post from last year about where my love of coffee began http://www.rinidrinks.com/2019/10/19/where-it-all-began/

and as always happy first cups…


Today’s coffee… I had a plan. But after deliberation last night and then completely second guessing color choices today… I have no plan. Furniture comes on Wednesday and I have no colors for the bedroom… Ahhhhhh… (Imagine a Muppet running around stopping and then running again yelling)

If you remember yesterday’s post I was having a hard time letting go of old furniture. The new furniture is white… not really my typical go to for furniture especially in my master bedroom… but I’m trying to make our very, very small bedroom look more spacious by adding bright pieces. I thought a light purple would look nice, and since I’m not changing out my beautiful green curtains that sounded good. However after sleeping on it last night and looking at the 2 choices on the wall again this morning I think our room will look like a little girls room.

So now I’m back to no plan, little time and all this pressure that I’ve put on myself.

Redecorating should be fun… right? And it truly is… I love decorating. I’m just putting a lot of pressure on myself to make it perfect. Which is silly… life isn’t perfect. It’s the imperfections that make it fun and give it character and charm and a story (for this purpose… my bedroom).

So, I’m going to finish my now cold ish cup of coffee and head to home depot and look at light gray paint samples and get inspired.

Also, my new set… https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/cat/hemnes-bedroom-series-11731/

We’re getting the Queen bed with 4 drawers, 2- 3 drawer nightstands, the 6 drawer dresser, the 5 drawer chest (a taller version nightstand) and the cabinet with mirror pictured in a bathroom.

Happy mid morning coffees… and remember it’s okay to not have it all planned out.

Preparing for the New

Today’s coffee I’m sitting in bed saying goodbye to my bedroom as it now.

Today we are disassembling our bedroom furniture preparing for our new set that arrives on Wednesday.

Strange how we can have emotional attachment to furniture. I love this set… even though it never actually fit in our tiny room. The long dresser covers half the window, the chest dresser has lived in either the guest bedroom, Ashlynn’s room or the garage. It’s been over 11 years of being crowded in what should be a relaxing room. Our Master Bedroom is only 10×13 … add in 2 doors and a window to the mix… furniture is hard to fit. It’s not just 11 years with this set… it’s my first actual bed set. My mom bought it for me when she bought her townhouse… over 17 years ago. I brought home my baby girl to this bed.

It’s not just the furniture we’re changing. We’re going to paint too. It’s the only room in the house we haven’t painted. I loved (and still love) this color. It’s a green of sorts and matched wonderfully with our purple comforter.  However, in a small room a darker shade makes the room smaller.

I’m excited and anxious about the new set… remember I don’t like change. It’s also, well, it’s not oak. I’m hoping that it looks nice, it fits, it’s functional and it lasts. After much deliberation we’ll have a white bedroom set against light purple walls.

Happy first cups my friends… wish me luck.

Breathe in Beauty

Have you taken time to breathe in beauty? Slow your breath to match the rhythm of nature around you.

I’ve been up for a few hours now. No reason, just restless. This though, totally worth it… it gave me a chance to appreciate life. Most mornings I’m still too bleary eyed to see and enjoy the beauty around me. Too set in my routine.

Good Morning World…

Happy First Cups

Breakfast Cookies and Coffee

These are seriously the best things on the planet… and insanely healthy. I now purposely let some bananas get overly ripe. So today’s first cup was accompanied by these tasty cookies.

3 ingredients make these the most awesomely easy and healthy breakfast or second breakfast or snack ever.

  • 2 overly ripe bananas (the more ripe the better since that’s where the sweet comes from)
  • 1 cup uncooked oats
  • 1/4 cup walnuts

Smoosh the bananas, add the oats and walnuts, mix and dollop onto stone or greased baking sheet. Bake at 350° for 12-15 minutes.

I found the recipe on https://www.skinnytaste.com/    Which is totally one of my favorite websites to find new recipes to try.

Hope your coffee has been accompanied by something scrumptious this morning.

As always… happy cups.

Sun Positions

Coffee this morning is brought to you by the changing sun. It’s warm enough again to sit on the deck… first time since Monday. We had to change around the chairs and table to account for the sun’s different position for max umbrella shade… and then change it again. I love this time of year… where you can sense the changes in the air… the subtle yellowing of leaves and nature preparing itself for the winter ahead.

Yesterday Ashlynn and I headed into the mountains after her morning of school. Not as much color as we hoped but snow to make it look like a Winter diorama that made the evergreens pop.

Happy mid-morning cups my friends

Coffffffffeeeeeee… Zombie

It’s a Winter Wonderland as I drink my 4th cup this morning. Thankfully we have no branches down. Some people in our neighborhood weren’t so lucky. I’m thankful for not as much snow as predicted…I really didn’t want to shovel.

A view from the high school… my last morning driving her to school. This afternoon she’ll officially be able to on her own.

5:45 is too freaking early for this mom, dad and teen. I feel like a zombie on these early mornings until at least 9… another hour sleep and I can cope but today… nope, zombie.

I’m now curled up on the couch with my coffee and have the fire going. I might just stay here. Yep, zombie

Coffffffffeeeeeeeeee… crap, I mean Happy First Cups

Non-Perfect Life

Today’s coffee smells amazing with the cool air as the rain trys to switch to snow.

It also brings a little bit of retrospect from yesterday’s misadventures…

As with most families our vacations and get-aways had been canceled this year. I finally have weekends free to spend with my family but this summer the teen got a job and works every weekend and some weeknights too. When we realized that Monday she wasn’t working we jumped on the chance to go to the mountains… specifically Lake Dillon.

On these excursions I typicaly have a list of what we should bring (camping table, chairs, cooler, snacks, games, hoodies etc.). I hadn’t been as organized with this trip and yesterday morning had me in a tizzy and then tears and panic. I’m still coping with my comfort in times of pandemic.

After an emotional breakdown and packing and then me repacking we headed out. First to the gas station then to get breakfast (more like brunch) from Einsteins… and then to another Einstein… because Covid had our location closed. We stood in a socially distanced line forevvvver. Finally food and more coffee in hand we headed West.

As you might know Colorado has several wildfires ablaze and yesterday that smoke was very heavy. However all of us had thought it will get better the further we get into the mountains. As we kept climbing the smoke continued to be around us. We took Loveland pass thinking we’d get above the smoke haze…nope. Not being able to even see the closest mountain is eerie. Fog is one thing, smoke haze… yeah, your brain keeps thinking it’s fog and it’ll clear.

As we drove into Dillon and even being right next to the marina we could barely make out the lake. By this point all of us were devastated and disappointed and not sure what to do. So we continued with our plan… Cheba Hut… still thinking maybe it’ll get better… and we were going to have a picnic on the lake. Opening the door of the car we realized there wasn’t a chance. Ashlynn’s lungs stung from the smoke. By this point we’re realizing we’re not staying.

To go sammiches in hand we headed towards Boreas Pass…which had been the plan to escape the I-70 mess heading home. Yet again feeling the weight of a failed family adventure and saddened by the smoke caused by the fires. So eerie.

Boreas Pass had that same gloom from the smoke and no visibility to nearby peaks. We did see a little bit of the aspens coloring changing… peak is probably 5 to 7 days away. But also realizing that this year with schedules we might not make it back.

Anyway, we made it back home. We did find some humor in that it was a long 6+ hours just to get sammiches.

Oh well, not everyday can be awesome. We still got to spend the day together even if we all had moments of frustration. Lesson Learned.

Remember that not every moment needs to be perfect my coffee lovers.

Happy First Cups

As The Weather Turns… episode 2

Coffee on the deck has a sad tone today as it’s my last coffee out here for a few days. I rolled up the carpet last night and brought in Ashlynn’s plant. Cushions will get stored tonight, the umbrella will go into the garage.

Ash continues to swirl around but yet I want to cherish the moment as tomorrow brings 6 inches of snow and hopefully a little relief to the fires. Even the Meow is enjoying the fleeting moments of warmth, (Tomorrow I’m sure I’ll write about how she’ll insist to try and go out in it). Silly meow.

Tomorrow both the teen and I will be excited for the first snow… Snow and I became friends a couple years back. I typically welcome my friend, Snow. But it’s too soon, as I know branches will buckle and break in its return.

Happy First Cups and enjoy the fleeting moments of summer