Let’s not talk about how I’ve been absent for the last few months. Not that I haven’t enjoyed my morning coffee each day… I most definitely have… most mornings out on the newly refurbished deck… I’ve finished 5 books. I’m not going to talk about how I’ve had a hard time finding encouraging words in a different world of masks and social distancing… that this too shall pass… I miss people… I miss shopping, I miss traveling and eating out… relaxing in public, I miss my friends and concerts… oh goodness do I miss live music. I’m not going to talk about how Covid is or isn’t a big deal… I know friends who have had it… I know friends who have loved ones that have had it… Are there things I’m skeptical on… yes… but would I ever want to be the cause of someone I know getting it… no. I’m not going to talk about injustices that happen everyday to Black Americans and people of color… but I want too… I’m a white suburban stay at home mom… who will listen to me…. but isn’t that the point…There is a population who has continued to feel suppressed and unheard. So how do we change that? We listen, we respect, we educate… something I’ve never been great doing…but I’m learning to educate myself more. We start loving humanity… every color, every race, religion, sex. Why is that hard?
Enough of the things I haven’t talked about… the weather has changed… so change in mugs was in order…

Happy first day of September my friends… and happy first cups.