I got my hair cut today. First time in just under a year. I was way overdue when Covid started and haven’t gone in since.
My hair is now 4 inches shorter and then layers from there so really 6 inches shorter in places. It feels so much lighter and happier. Lena, my hairdresser, and I talked again about my whites… which she assured me still aren’t as noticeable as I think they are.
I may or may not have done an impromptu self glamor photo shoot when I got home…
Of course with coffee too. I needed a late afternoon pick me up. I had only one, yes, one cup of coffee this morning. So more caffeine needed, plus, I think my mugs feel left out when I don’t photograph them too.
Ashlynn also got her hair cut… she did 6 inches and then layers… she loves it. Although she feels it’s short… just below her chest… that’s short for us… goofy I know. Lena laughs when she looks at the floor with the hair scattered and then looks back up at our hair and says… you guys still have so much hair.
Anyway, it’s way past bedtime for me. I hope your coffees gave you happiness today.