Rain turns to snow. I laid in bed in the middle of the night listening to the fall of rain. A sound that I almost forgot. The heavy thuds as they hit the roof, the pings as it fell in the gutters. The sound of rushing water as it flowed down the street. I stayed up listening and reflecting… and being poetic.
I’ve now been watching the snow as it falls for the last few years as it slows to a stop. It’s peaceful in a different way… not as dramatic… but more magical. How each flake swirls and makes it way towards the ground. It’s also this time of year… where magic seems possible. This year more than others the want and need for magic and hope and love seems to electrify and hang in the air.
What is going to bring you hope or magic today? Me, some more coffee and more nature watching.
Saturday coffee’s are the best coffee’s. Really, it’s true. Something about the whole house sleeping in a little later than normal.
The smell might even be lighter, sweeter and make things a little more brighter and lively. It’s not made any different than any other day but maybe those days I find the strong scents to get me through the day.
This morning has been a struggle… my eyes are sleepy and I’m exhausted which means I’m freezing. It doesn’t help that it’s overcast. I’m hoping now with this cup I can find the energy that’s been just out of reach all morning. I have things on my to-do list…but really nothing seems that important besides warmth and closing my eyes… but need to do things… but eyes sleepy… want blanket snuggles… the struggle is real folks.
And the blanket snuggles win… at least for the moment. Maybe I’ll find warmth… maybe.
I found motivation in my first cup today. As in, I didn’t drink all of my first cup before I was doing things. And by the second cup I had emptied all trash cans and got trash out to the curb and picked up and dusted the living room. I also started planning Thanksgiving dinner.
Short winded motivation… just about the time I got settled on the couch with my laptop to finish up Christmas cards and letter and finish meal planning that motivation was gone and I was super cold.
Hopefully… now 2 hours later I can get going again with more coffee in hand. I want to finalize Christmas cards and get them ordered today. For anyone that doesn’t know… this is my first year I’ve done Christmas cards in 11 years… there might have been a year I did send cards… but if I can’t remember it… well, it didn’t happen. Yep.
Also, I love this cookbook…
We bought it at a book fair years ago at Ashlynn’s school. There’s so many yummy recipes and craft/gift ideas. It’s my go to book when baking and finding tasty sides and drink recipes. It makes me sad as I flip through and find ideas for holiday parties and then realize that we can’t do a party. Hopefully next year. I’m already having fun with theme ideas in my head. Ok, back to the real world again. Otherwise I’ll keep going down the rabbit hole and never get things done… plus, I need more coffee.
The day after snow falls and flocks the trees and ground… the beauty that abounds as the sun wakes up and glistens off the branches is memorizing. I could watch for hours.
I found amusement this morning as I picked my mug… a snow flocked landscape to match a snow flocked outside. I love these cups… I have way too many of them… 11… once a set of 12 and belonged to my grandparents. As I drink coffee from it I realize how truly tiny the cups are… coffee sizes have changed over the years and we typically in this house drink from much bigger mugs. These mugs are usually used for milk and cookies or hot cider. My grandma used them for her “cocktails” cranberry juice or similar to take with her pills. I don’t remember her drinking coffee… I think by the time I was spending time with her she had stopped drinking it…or maybe I was way to entertained by the “cocktails ” so my brain only remembers that.
But today’s “cocktail” is coffee with a little too much cream…don’t judge… it’s a tiny cup and I’m having trouble estimating how much cream. Anyway, I think she’d approve.
I am feeling tired my friends. After a few night’s of off and on again sleep, I’m tired. It’s also the trend.
We are living in turmoil… political unrest. I wish I could say I’m positive it would change as of Wednesday morning but I fear that both sides have extremists that won’t let our nation heal. Tensions are high. In our community alone I feel it… the anger just waiting to boil over. And don’t be naive to think that either party isn’t just as riled up. I’m tired of the anger from both parties and the blame game.
We feel uneasy from a pandemic that at this point looks to have no end. Countries going back on lockdown to try to curb the infections. The past few months have not been easy. I’m sad that before this is over we will have lost more loved ones. If you are reading this and are still under the idea that this virus isn’t a big deal… please know I love you. I don’t agree with you and I pray that no one you love is taken too early from this horrible virus. But don’t tell me this isn’t real as I’ve lost someone to it.
The weight, the weight that all of us carry whether you believe in the pandemic or not…I’m concerned for each of my friends’ mental well-being. The strain that this has been putting on each of us in different ways. Please know that I’m here… whatever it is… I’m here for you and will help figure it out. I love you
Today, on election day I hope each of you vote, let your voice be heard but be respectful. Especially this year, you don’t know the suffering that a stranger may be enduring… so be kind and considerate. Remember to exude love and compassion even when faced with anger.
Today I’m on the deck soaking in the Autumn sun. Perched on 2 of the old deck chairs capturing as much sun as possible… closing my eyes and raising my face to let it wash over me. With just the slightest breeze and the sounds of the dead leaves falling from our big tree. Barking dogs every once in a while chime in as the birds sing. It’s soothing (like a hot water bottle to the joints) to my stiff and sore body… I slept hard last night. Probably harder than I’ve slept in a couple weeks.
I’m trying to relish this moment as I know cold will eventually grace us and stay… hopefully with lots of moisture. Last week I talked of snow and now it’s long gone and with no moisture in the forecast I know have a few more days to take in this warmth. But for now, in this moment I’ll pretend it’s my last warm day… something about making that mind shift makes me appreciate it more… appreciate each day. Love each moment.