Yesterday’s events had both Scott and I glued to the TV until early this morning, (I fell asleep sometime during the arguing in the house about Pennsylvania). So today has me sluggish, still sad and angry but optimistic that the majority of our senators and representatives respect democracy and the voice of the nation. Something I personally needed to see… not just from what unfolded yesterday but from the past few years.

I wrote last Fall about a nation divided… and unfortunately what we witnessed yesterday has us all realizing just how divided we still are. I saw it in my Facebook feed… friends and loved ones angry and appalled on both sides. I saw others still trying to see the good in the President and unfortunately still spouting his lies.
I’m saddened at where this country has turned. Saddened about a President who doesn’t hold his office with respect. This isn’t just about democrat vs republican, this isn’t just about race or gender, or black lives and blue lives, this isn’t just about religion, this isn’t just about a virus. It’s all of it. You can’t keep thinking it’s one cause… it’s so many.
How do we move forward? Seeing democracy continue last night was a start. I know that I can listen, learn, respect and love. I’m not an expert and never pretend to be but those things seem to be a next step.
Today I’m choosing to find hope.
With love and hope in your cup… Always, C