Last night around 11 we had a storm appear. I sat outside immersed in the beauty and sounds of nature. I watched as the lighting flooded the clouds with bursts of brightness. The sounds of the crickets, and my fairies (wind chimes) making beautiful music accompanied by the rumbles of thunder. I closed my eyes with my face raised to the sky as the first drops fell… relishing the feeling. My skin tingling with the sensations.
I continued to sit wrapped in a blanket as soft drops accompanied the melody already playing… Nature’s own Symphony. I soon was joined by Ashlynn and Shadow and then a sleepy Scott woken by the commotion. It was then that the sky let loose and the rains came… washing away as much impurity as it could. The smell of rain hitting the earth is one of my favorite smells… it’s enticing to my soul.
The heavy rains didn’t last long, maybe 15 mintues and then back to soft drops as the storm moved to give it’s healing power to others.
Today, I still feel the tingles of rain on my skin. I still smell the rain in my hair. Today is also the first time we’ve had a blue sky in over a month. I know it will be short lived as the smoke clouds will cover the skies again. But for this moment, I will take deep breaths and hold on to this feeling.
Cherish today and Happy First Cups My Friends