Coffee, sun and music. Always a great combo to wake up to.
Today we’re heading downtown for a tradition that we’re excited to refresh again. For a day filled with more music, more sun and friends… maybe more coffee too. It’s a highlight of the year, Denver Day of Rock. A free show that raises money for Amp the Cause and because it’s a kid based organization it’s all ages… so it was one of Ashlynn’s first concerts when we started the tradition years ago. When I can listen to one of my favorite bands and see friends and maybe find a new band too… fun times.
Excited for this afternoon when a tradition starts back up again. For live music, friends and sun. A little nervous too, with Covid still on our minds and a friend no longer with us who will be missed and tears will be shed as another first passes without him. But for now I’m listening to our family Pandora channel centered around Peacemakers, Refreshments and Railbenders and enjoying the sun, my coffee and soon my book.
Peace, Love and Light my Coffee Lovers and Here’s to Life ☕