
How do you define coffee?

Saying it’s ‘a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.’ doesn’t seem to capture it.

Me, I embrace the feeling… I define coffee as the experience in partaking.

I’ve written a lot about the taste and smell of coffee and how sometimes it’s the people you share it with or the time it gives you to find your center.

Recently, it’s been about the comfort. It’s been rough around here, emotions are high and we’re all on hairpin triggers with at least one of us in tears at different points in the day. So when I say coffee it has become to mean comfort. It’s a steady presence of warmth to hold and of constant reassuring. I can close my eyes with cup in hand and breathe and find some balance even just for a second.

I have gotten accustomed to pouring coffee in the morning and just holding it, staring off into space. Partly because my morning routine of mom/alarm/nurse/motivator happens several times in the course of an hour and then repeats for the next 3 to 4 hours. So, when I’m not those things I stare blankly at my coffee not seeing it or really anything else. I forget to drink the warm bean juice wanting the warmth in my hands more than in my body.

Ashlynn and I did visit one of my favorite local places today after getting some lab work done at the doctor. When we both love coffee and it’s National Coffee Day I suggest stopping and getting a cup to give us both smiles. I held (and drank) most of a lavender latte. It smelled amazing. Ashlynn described the smell and taste ‘like a crisp Fall day where you’re curled in a chair under a nice fleece blanket on the deck watching the leaves fall around you’.

Today as most days in the recent past I did not finish a cup of coffee… not that my love of it has diminished it has just taken a new meaning, a new form for a bit, as comforter and friend.

I hope National Coffee Day brought you many a happy cups ☕


Today’s 2nd cup is in bed, under blankets and wrapped in my coffee robe. I’m cold and tired.

From nose to toes… cold.

So for now I’ll stay huddled under blankets responding back to the doctor and watching a show until the teen wakes again hopefully in less pain.

Is it too early in the season to turn on the fire? Probably. Plus, the fire is downstairs and doesn’t help my current predicament.

But really, why am I so cold… like whole body is an icicle cold.

I’ll just be here drinking coffee and trying to warm up.

Happy coffee cups my friends☕

Finding the Victories

Smile, drink coffee and find/celebrate the small victories.

Today’s small victory…I look pretty for no shower in 2 days. I also made a tasty breakfast for the husband and I after a lazy morning in bed playing games on our phones.

Victories the last few days: I made 2 very tasty dinners (Tuscan Chicken Pasta and a Garlic Rosemary Brisket), I’ve done laundry and cleaned some bedding, I cleaned a couple rooms, made some flower arrangements, I celebrated my Mom’s birthday, had brunch with my Aunts and had coffee with a friend. All while being nurse to the kid and trying to follow up with the school about her classes and work flow and following up with her senior pictures photographer (now rescheduled for the 3rd time), following up with the new doctors office and researching new avenues we haven’t tried.

Really though, sometimes I let myself get down on the things… sometimes that’s easier. Today though I’m picking myself up, letting myself find happy in my cup. Then I’ll tackle what I can. Don’t let the hard days control you… easier said then done… hence my attitude the past few days and my lack of writing.

Peace, love and light my coffee lovers… enjoy your cups today☕

Morning Beauty

As dawn aproaches…

My first cup and I watched the first small hints of light. I sat with my cardi and throw for warmth as the faint hints turned to brilliant colors… fiery oranges, bright pinks and majestic shades of purples splay across the sky as the light slowly moves upward. It’s in these moments when the clouds have amazing definition that my breath slows and time melts as I watch the brilliance unfold.

I’m on my second cup as the vibrant colors of the morning sky fade into sunlight. I read a page or two in my book but can’t help still looking at the sky and get distracted wanting to capture each moment in my mind instead opting to write and watch.

The cat is confused as to why I’m outside when the sun hasn’t reached the deck yet… opting to be comfy in her bed inside next to the door… eyeing me and waiting for her sun.

This morning I’m excited as I get to have breakfast with my mom (which is a rare occurrence in itself). But also with 2 of my aunts as they pitstop on their way from MN to Vegas. Family. As I get older I miss my extended family more and more. So this opportunity to see my aunts even for a couple hours is exciting.

Now my second cup is almost gone and the sun is further up, covered by clouds, but up nonetheless. And with that I’ll hop in the shower and head for more coffee before meeting the aunts.

Happy Sunday and first cups my friends… find the beauty today☕

Finding the Perfect Blend

The perfect blend can sometimes mean the way the sun looks as it rises. The fresh crisp September morning air before it radiates heat. The sounds of birds waking up. All those mixed with the sounds of the coffee percolating…. yeah, the perfect blend.

I took a moment to relish the sounds, the sights and the smells before life’s perfect storms settled to roost today. Sometimes it’s in those few seconds where life stops. Where a few seconds gives me hope, strength and serenity.

And now mid morning I take a moment again letting only the sounds of the crickets and birds sing a perfect blend of nature’s symphony.

Happy Mid-morning Cups… find your perfect blend today☕

It’s always coffee time

When I stare blankly at my flower arrangements for several mintues and not notice time go by.

When my mind is empty and full at the same time.

When I write a long post and then delete because my thoughts are jumbled and messy.

It’s always coffee time when the yawns happen more often than I can sip my coffee.

When I’m reminded that I drink coffee for the caffeine because apparently today it might truly be Always coffee time.

Happy all the cups today☕

New Book

Today I start a new book… a new world that I can immerse myself in wherever I want. New places, new people and new feelings to feel. I get excited and nervous at the same time as I start a new book. What if I don’t like it, what if I can’t get into it… and many more. Truth is sometimes when it takes me awhile to get lost in a book I struggle to find motivation to keep reading.

But today, in the fresh morning sun, coffee in hand I’m ready… to explore, to get caught up in the writing and the imagery. I’m going completely different from my book I just finished… which gave me feels galore.

Happy first cups and happy reading