After having a couple nights of fun, my body needed the couple days of recovery. My Giving Myself Grace post made me realize that it’s okay to not do the things. However hard it is for me to look at the things that need to get done and to just let it be. Even a shower on Friday was too much… and that was okay.

I woke up yesterday feeling less sore, less fatigued, and more like me. Which meant my brain was in let’s Get Shit Done. But also very cogniscent of taking it easy.

I had a productive morning of laundry and picking up before going out with friends for lunch and shopping.

My energy level was waining a bit after getting home yesterday evening, and Scott getting home shortly after me from his day at GenghisCon, also looked a bit haggard. We opted to go get food for dinner and then become one with the sofa for the rest of the night.

Today, my plan is to clean the downstairs (bathroom, vacuum, maybe dust) and finish up the laundry. Then tomorrow: the same thing for upstairs, plus also go to the store and prep things for our family Valentine’s dinner tomorrow night.

It’s official, I AM AWESOME, I AM FIERCE

As it’s now going on Noon, I’m realizing that my GSD list is just that, a list. It’s okay if not everything gets done. My sister-in-law taught me years ago to make sure that on any to-do list you write, you add “write to-do list” somewhere on the list. That way, even if the only thing you accomplish is writing the list, you still get to check something off. Thanks, Sam!

So for now, I’ll watch my show while I fold laundry and go from there. Happy mid-day cups, my friends! ❤️☕️

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