Checking Off The List

If you read my post on Sunday, I talked about how MS isn’t my only obstacle and that I put up roadblocks and walls in my path and they are hard to tear down.

So, I set goals for myself this week:

Being Active Each Day⭐️

Sunday, my activity was unorthodox… I did some cleaning. After writing the blog post, I realized my time was limited before the Avalanche game at 12:30. I didn’t get hung up on the fact that I didn’t go for a walk or practice yoga. Instead, I was happy in the moment. I was still moving my body just more in a recovery, feeling sore from the late night of dancing at the concert the night before.

Sunday also checked off…Watch Playoff Hockey⭐️

With an Avalanche Win! More playoff hockey to come this week!

Yesterday (Monday), I did get caught in my own head and my still very tired body from Saturdays dancing at the concert and did not go for walkies or practice yoga. But in reflection this morning, I realized I still moved my body… just in a different way. I did grocery shopping yesterday morning, getting home before 10 am before getting on a hour and a half call with Sunshine, my boss, to talk about our upcoming busy season and overall catchup on our personal & professional lives. I was then in low power mode for some of the afternoon before Ashlynn came over to help walk me through my outfit for Saturday. Another goal marked off… Outfit figured out ⭐️.

Then last night I danced again at Indie1023 Music Meet-up where we got to see The Mssng again. So I checked off another of my goals… Go to the Indie1023 meetup⭐️.

The Mssng

Today, I woke with wanting to figure out the MSWalk site map, parking situation, and meeting places… getting overwhelmed. Partly because I started the coffee and then didn’t even pour myself a cup before heading to my office, even forgetting to bring down my phone. Silly Corrine. However, I have the start to the plan figured out and will finalize with Scott’s help later today. So, hopefully, I’ll send out info to all participants tonight or tomorrow morning. (I won’t give myself a star on this until it’s done).

I also started a new book today! ⭐️

I Was A Forest by Nathan Harms.

It’s a 110-page book I picked up at FanExpo last year on the recommendation of my sister-in-law saying, ‘Hey, my friend Nathan has a booth at con, you should go say hi.’ I did and bought this book. “It’s a story about bravery when facing trauma.  Told through the eyes of a victim who longs to regain their former self.” I am 32 pages into a world filled with imagery, both bizarre and terrifying and yet humorous. There’s also beautiful art layered into the pages.

I will more than likely finish the book today or tomorrow, so I also choose another one to start… sometimes that is half my battle, choosing a book. 

Fox And I by Catherine Raven, this has been in my to be read pile for the past year… I’m excited to start reading it.

I then went for a walk today. Nice warm sunshine as I listened and sometimes danced a bit to my EDM music as I walked. I’m struggling a bit with the amount of weight I’ve gained… now being my highest weight (not a high score I like achieving) and the insecurities come back… but you know what, I WALKED! I need to keep reminding myself of this. I moved my body.

More on deck for today:

Prep and make salad for lunch. (Did this before I finished my post. It was very tasty!).⭐️

Pack up all items for Amazon returns that I won’t be using for the walk, then go do returns. (I won’t give myself the star until it’s done).

Tonight, more playoff hockey. The Avs could clinch the series in game 5 or they’ll be more hockey later in the week, plus there’s still Scott’s game happening on Thursday.

I think that’s it, my friends. Thanks for reading my journal type entry today and as always… enjoy your cups today. ☕️❤️☕️

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