As dawn aproaches…
My first cup and I watched the first small hints of light. I sat with my cardi and throw for warmth as the faint hints turned to brilliant colors… fiery oranges, bright pinks and majestic shades of purples splay across the sky as the light slowly moves upward. It’s in these moments when the clouds have amazing definition that my breath slows and time melts as I watch the brilliance unfold.

I’m on my second cup as the vibrant colors of the morning sky fade into sunlight. I read a page or two in my book but can’t help still looking at the sky and get distracted wanting to capture each moment in my mind instead opting to write and watch.

The cat is confused as to why I’m outside when the sun hasn’t reached the deck yet… opting to be comfy in her bed inside next to the door… eyeing me and waiting for her sun.
This morning I’m excited as I get to have breakfast with my mom (which is a rare occurrence in itself). But also with 2 of my aunts as they pitstop on their way from MN to Vegas. Family. As I get older I miss my extended family more and more. So this opportunity to see my aunts even for a couple hours is exciting.
Now my second cup is almost gone and the sun is further up, covered by clouds, but up nonetheless. And with that I’ll hop in the shower and head for more coffee before meeting the aunts.
Happy Sunday and first cups my friends… find the beauty today☕