It’s gloomy and overcast in my neck of the woods today and when sleep evaded both the husband and I, I’m having a harder time focusing… not thoughts, my eyes. It’s like there’s a film over them. Not the greatest thing when I want to keep working on my 3D Hogwarts puzzle this morning. I’m hoping with enough coffee and more light my vision will focus.

Today’s agenda: do yoga, make lists… a grocery list for both mom and us, a to do of things I want to accomplish in the next few weeks… there’s a lot, do yoga , continue the shuffle of laundry started yesterday so that tomorrow I can clean bedding, vacuum the livingroom and hallway so that I can fold said laundry, do yoga, come up with a menu for the next couple days that way we don’t get to 6pm and don’t have a plan for dinner, and do yoga. Yoga. Yoga which is for my body and my mind and reminds me to breathe.
So today my coffee lovers, what are you going to do for you today? I know several of you are working from home these days, some of you are on the front lines, some of you are providing essential other jobs and some of you are like me and are in a holding pattern waiting until you can go back. I challenge each of you to find something that is just for you… write for a 10 mintues, do a workout, read some of a book… what is going to enrich your spirit and let some troubles roll by.
Happy First Cups and Breathe