An Updated Version Of: The Girl Behind the Cup

I figured it was well time for me to update this page.

So, who is the person behind the cup? I’m continually asking myself the same question.

I’m a mom of a beautiful, bright, independent woman named Ashlynn. I love watching her come into her own as she now is newly in her 20’s. She moved out last year and now has her own apartment and doggo named Coffee, imagine that, the love of coffee is definitely strong in the woman of our family. So, I have a grand-puppy who is energetic… hmm, also, kind of fits her name. It’s still hard having Ashlynn not in our house as the momma worry never goes away as she is an extension of me and my heart. She is my light… and I love her to the moon… times a million jelly beans… and back.

I’m a wife to an amazing guy named Scott for 15 years. Our over 2 decades together have seen us go through a lot of life changes including raising our amazing daughter, personal and professional growth and health concerns and so much more. Scott is an amazing dad, a software engineer, a hockey player, music enthusiast both playing and enjoying others in their craft (especially local music) and loves the outdoors. He continues to make my heart beat fast and I fall more in love with him each day. He is my inspiration.

I’m an amateur baker. I am happy when I dance around my tiny kitchen with music playing and recipes in my head. I don’t bake as much as I used to as both Scott and I feel obligated to eat all the sweets that come out of the oven. My baking style is more a what if… what happens when I combine this and that… that’s when tastiness happens… most of the time. I bake for taste not beauty. If I do both… well then, that’s amazeballs.

I also love to cook. I love finding the fun recipes online and adapting them to our tastes… to this day I rarely cook to the exact recipe. It’s also why when Ashlynn asks for recipes I have to remember how I measure compared to what the actual recipe says and give her my adjustments.

I was a retail manager for over 20 years and left my career when the pandemic shut down the world. At first the pandemic was my reasoning for leaving retail for maybe a short time but in all honesty, 20 years was enough! It was a career I had happened upon in my late teens and for lack of education had made a career of it. But really, leaving retail allowed me to slow my pace and enjoy life and family more and being there for Ashlynn in her last 2 years of high school was wonderful. I loved retail for a time but it was taxing… I was tired of “being nice” or a people person all day.

I now work very part-time for an amazing photography company, Silver Sparrow Photography, as an at home office assistant of sorts. Sunshine, the owner and lead photographer, is the photographer who had done Ashlynn’s senior photos a few years back. It has allowed me to learn something new while still putting my customer service skills to use as well as not having me be completely idle at home.

I’m an introvert. Yep, which is why retail was taxing on me. Being around people stresses me out, like a lot! I get overstimulated very easily. I’m also socially awkward. Which doesn’t help with the introvert side… I go out and try and hold conversation and then say something random. So most the time I sit back and listen, take in the sites, sounds and beauty around me.

I also have an autoimmune disease. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in October of 2023. My diagnosis is still fresh and raw so I tend to talk about it a lot. Please don’t be offended if lots of conversations veer towards it… it’s me working through the scary impact on my life and the loss of the idea I had of what life would be like as I grow older.

I’m many other things as well. I’m a redhead (becoming more and more white each day), a geek (mostly movie and tv, some comics, and board games too), a book worm (although reading is harder these days as my short term memory doesn’t always comprehend what I read), a lover of live music and probably several other things too.

But mostly I’m just a girl named Corrine, Rini for short, who loves her Coffee.